Zamorak Wikia

Agility is a skill to train your character to run over greater distances and to cross a great deal of shortcuts. This skill gives you Agility tickets which you earn by completing a run of any of these courses. The amount of tickets you earn varies on the Agility course you are doing.

Agility courses

There are two agility courses available to train your Agility. These are the Gnome course and the Wilderness agility course in high Wilderness.

Course Agility Level Required Safe Area Tickets Reward
Gnome Stronghold 1 Yes 10
Wilderness Course 75 No 0

Gnome course

Log balance
Obstacle net
Tree branch
Balancing rope
Tree branch 2
Obstacle net 2
Obstacle pipe

Wilderness agility course

Entrance Pathway
Obstacle pipe
Stepping stones
Log balance


Agility Hood Agility Cape Agility Cape (t)
Agility hood Agility cape Agility cape trimmed